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Web links
Here are some English resources and websites that are useful for students and teachers of English. If there is a site that you know about, which isn't listed here, or a problem with one of the links below, please write to us and we'll be glad to look at it.
People Recruit

At People Recruit, staff are all ex-ESL teachers who have had bad experiences in the past with institute owners and/or the recruiters that placed us there. Amid our dissatisfaction, we began People Recruit to provide a professional recruiting service that focuses on the individual needs and concerns of our applicants. As a result of our increasing popularity, People Recruit currently works with employers across the country and thus has a wide variety of positions available. We encourage you to visit our website at You will find frank descriptions of how the ESL recruiting industry works and realistic accounts of Korea's teaching conditions. Once we have found you a job, we will be available at any time to call or email you about any questions and concerns you may have, no matter how trivial. We remember how daunting it was for us to come to Korea the first time, and want to make it as smooth and worry-free for you as we can. In addition, we guarentee our applicants to institute owners, which means that if we place you in a bad job and you decide to leave, then we are legally required to pay back our recruiter겝s fee to institute owners. We thus have a financial motivation to place you into a good job and to make sure that you know what to expect before you arrive. Additional information and job opportunities are posted on our website, You may also email any questions to For available jobs, please visit us at the following address:

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