var reports_to_init=[]; var msg_expired = "This username has expired."; var msg_ok = "Logging on...."; var msg_wait = "Too many login attempts. Please wait a few minutes before trying again."; var msg_ip = "Access denied from this IP:"; var msg_alreadylog = "You are already logged on (perhaps on another computer)"; var msg_toomany = "Too many users logged on for this school. Please try again later."; var msg_badpass = "The username or password were incorrect. Please check and enter them again. If you have forgotten your details, contact us"; var msg_blank = "Enter your email or username, then your password, and press the login button"; var msg_inactive = "Your account has been deactivated. Contact your school."; var msg_tooearly = "Your subscription has not yet started."; var msg_redirect = "Redirecting to your site"; var suredel = "Are you SURE you want to PERMANENTLY DELETE this?"; var filterplaceholder = "filter"; var invalidusername = "Invalid username"; var invalidname = "Invalid name"; var passwordshort = "Password too short"; var invalidemail = "Invalid email address"; var duplicatemat="Sorry, that material is already included"; var editmat="Edit material"; var delmat="Delete material"; var addmat="Add material"; var nounits="No units available"; var entertext="Enter text here"; var nomats="No material"; var sureblock="Are you sure you want to BLOCK (HIDE) this unit from your students?"; var addmaterial="Add material"; var sureswitch="You are currently doing an exercise. If you switch to another section, you will lose your work. || Are you sure you want to stop this exercise?"; var sureblock = "Are you sure you want to BLOCK (HIDE) this unit from your students?"; var toomanywords="Sorry, you have used too many words"; var strtrue="True"; var strfalse="False"; var strdontknow="Don`t know"; var strnotes="Notes"; var nomats="No material"; var nounits="No units available"; var addmat="Add material"; var pleasewait="Please Wait..."; var cancelled_text="Operation Cancelled."; var strprint="Print"; var deletestr="Delete"; var DictLang = ''; var phpext = "php"; var sharesocial = "1"; var buystate= ["You already have this item.", "You don't have enough coins to buy this item", "Thank you for buying this item" ]; var notetitle= "Note title"; var selectedtext="selected"; var clearselectiontext = "Clear"; var timeouttext='You are taking longer than you should!'; var surechangecourse='Are you shure you want to change course?';